Great to be hosting another Better Hobart talk this coming Wednesday, and this week is going to be particularly interesting.

Can there be any more of a fundamental truth of the natural world than the rhythm of day following night following day? But when was the last time you experienced true darkness? The truth is we live in a world where the lines between day and night have become blurred.  The use of electric light to extend our days has become standard practice over the last 60 years, but at what cost? As we remove darkness from our world do we truly understand the environmental impacts of our decisions?

Landon Bannister talk will explore the environmental responsibilities we all have when using light outdoors; looking at the negative impact light can have on the nocturnal environment and asking the question how much light at night do we actually need?

As ever, its a FREE event so come along to the Hope and Anchor for a pint and a discussion on your city.